Dizziness (Uncertain Cause)
Dizziness is a common symptom. It may be described as a feeling of light-headedness, spinning, or feeling like you are going to faint. Dizziness can have many causes.
Tell the healthcare provider about:
All medicines you take. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines, herbs, and supplements. And tell your healthcare provider about any change in your medicines.
Any other symptoms you have
Any health problems you are being treated for
Any past major health problems you've had, such as a heart attack, balance issues, hearing problems, stiffness in the neck and shoulders, or blood pressure problems
Anything that causes the dizziness to get worse or better
Any recent head trauma, neck injury, or history of migraine
Whether the dizziness came on all at once or was gradual
Whether a dizziness episode occurs in a particular position of your head or posture
Sometimes the exact cause for your dizziness cannot be found right away . Other tests may be needed. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions.
Home care
Dizziness that occurs with sudden standing may be a sign of mild dehydration. Drink extra fluids for the next few days.
If you tend to get dizzy whenever you stand up from a sitting or lying (reclining) position:
Avoid sudden changes in posture.
Get up from a lying position slowly, and stay seated for a few moments before standing.
When standing, make sure you have something to hold on to.
If you recently started a new medicine, stopped a medicine, or had the dose of a current medicine changed, talk with the prescribing healthcare provider. Your medicine plan may need adjustment.
If dizziness lasts more than a few seconds, sit or lie down until it passes. This may help prevent injury in case you pass out. Get up slowly when you feel better.
You may need a cane or other walking aids to avoid falling if you get dizzy.
Discuss your daily intake of caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco with your healthcare provider.
Don't drive or use power tools or dangerous equipment until you have had no dizziness for at least 48 hours.
Follow-up care
Follow up with your healthcare provider for further evaluation in the next 7 days, or as advised.
When to get medical advice
Call your healthcare provider for any of the following:
Call 911
Call 911, right away if any of these occur:
Sudden severe headache or chest, arm, neck, back, or jaw pain
Numbness or weakness of an arm or leg or one side of the face
Vomit or stool that's black or red
Shortness of breath
Feeling that your heart is fluttering or beating fast or hard (palpitations)
Passing out or seizure
Trouble walking or speaking
Online Medical Reviewer:
Marianne Fraser MSN RN
Online Medical Reviewer:
Melinda Murray Ratini DO
Online Medical Reviewer:
Vinita Wadhawan Researcher
Date Last Reviewed:
© 2000-2025 The StayWell Company, LLC. All rights reserved. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professional's instructions.